TYG Summer Events

TYG (The Youth Group) is taking a break this summer from regular meetings…but it doesn’t mean we are going to stop hanging out and having fun. Here’s a list of the different things we plan to do this summer. All rising 6th to 12th graders are welcome to join us and bring a friend.
Please RSVP to LiLing ([email protected]) let us know you are coming.

Monday 6/17 | 4 – 6PM JUST JAMMIN’

Low pressure chillin’ and making a joyful noice to Jesus together. Bring an instrument, play it, don’t play it, sing, don’t sing. Where: 1125 Terra Nova Blvd

Friday 6/21 | 9am-1pm SERVICE DAY

Make and serve lunch to the Hope summer day camp counselors.
Where: Meet at LiLing House (RSVP for address)

Friday 7/12 | 10am – 3pm STRAWBERRY DAY

We’re going strawberry picking at Swanton Berry Farm and we’ll come back to enjoy some strawberry shortcake together. Bring something for a picnic lunch.
Max 8 youth unless some parents can drive. RSVP to LiLing

Friday 7/19 | 3-6 pm TIE DYE DAY AT THE PARK

Besides having fun at the park, we’ll tie dye some shirts, and do some camp variety show planning. Where: Frontierland Park

Friday 7/26 | 6-7:30 pm PRE-CAMP MEETING

All campers and a parent. Please mark this date to gather to go over all the details for camp. Includes dinner. Where: LiLing’s House (1015 Monte Verde Drive)

Monday to Saturday 7/29 | 9:30 am – 8/3 ~5pm FUGE CAMP

All campers should gather at 1125 Terra Nova Blvd at 9:30am sharp with all their camp bags and gear.


Please join us for Sunday Service to share with the New Life family who have supported and prayed for us throughout the summer about our highlights from camp.
Where: 1125 Terra Nova Blvd