Sermon on the Mount

About The Sermon on the Mount Series

The Sermon on the Mount is a collection of the teachings of Jesus on the Kingdom of God. Beginning first with a description of the kinds of people who will appreciate it the most, then those who will feel most comfortable in it. Then Jesus continues to describe and challenge his listeners about their ideas about what it means to be righteous and what life is like for those living in the Kingdom of God.

Our growth groups are using the collection of playlists from the Bible Project on the Sermon on the Mt.

Group Discussion Guides

The following discussion guides accompany the Bible Project playlists on the Sermon on the Mount, offering questions to stimulate discussion and lead us into deeper reflection.

We are pausing this series and will pick it back up in growth groups in a few weeks.

Not yet part of a Growth Group?

Growth Groups are meeting through Zoom and in-person.

Please contact Liling Pang for meeting locations, times, and Zoom meeting details.

Sermons in this Series

This series of group discussion guides complements our teaching Sunday teaching series on Acts, where we observe the early church learning to live out Jesus’ teachings as we see in the Sermon on the Mount.