Teaching Archive

Practicing: Rest, Silence & Solitude

This July and part of August, we turn attention to the practice of making space for rest in our lives as the one of the first steps of learning to be with Jesus.

Jesus promises us in Matthew 11: 29-30:

“Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

Some of our growth groups are taking a break to rest literally, and some are continuing to meet. You can use these practice guides for either personal or group practice.

First we will discuss what Jesus means when he says he will give us rest. And then we will look at how Jesus himself rested. And we will practice different ways to make space for physical, emotional, and spiritual rest personally and corporately.

Reflection and Practice Guides for July and August 2022:



The above practice guides from PracticingtheWay.com offer different methods and tools to expand how we can engage with the practice of silence and solitude. They complement what we’ve already covered during out Hearing God series where we practiced listening prayer and imaginative prayer. They are called practices because you uncover more and more as you continue in your practice. Though some practices might come more naturally to you, try a variety and get a feel for what helps you experience being with Jesus in a more personal way.