Practice: Sabbath

About the Practice of Sabbath

Sabbath might be a novel idea for most of us, but it’s an ancient practice of the people of God. It was the “6 days on, 1 day off” rhythm gifted by God himself in Genesis 1 and 2. It was commanded on Mt. Sinai, and institutionalized in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Jesus himself practiced Sabbath, but his understanding and practice of Sabbath often became the focal point of the conflict between Jesus and other religious leaders.

How did this rhythm of life that was once so central to the lives of the people of God loose it’s beauty and power in modern life. Can we reclaim the blessings and gifts of this way of living like Jesus? We invite you to join us in rediscovering Sabbath.

Sabbath Practice Videos and Guide

The four core components around Sabbath are to 1) Stop 2) Rest 3) Delight and 4) Worship. Our goal during this practice is to understand and begin to move towards these four core components with curiosity, creativity, and freedom that our individual lives inform.

Sabbath was also meant to be practiced in community. Practically speaking, it’s much easier and way more meaningful to practice Sabbath with others. Just think about all the ways being with others brings us delight. If our community was all resting form our labors and obligations at the same time, we could be available at the same time to delight together. So for four weeks, will you give yourself to this practice in community? Let’s experiment and see what it’s like.

We’ll be using the teaching videos and other resources from Practicing the Way for this four week series.

Growth Group Discussion Guides

Our growth groups will be meeting during their regular times on Tuesday evening, Thursday morning and evening to join the discussion on the practicalities of practicing Sabbath. We’ll be engaging with the conversation on the Rule of Life podcast that accompany this series.

Bonus Luminary Interviews

Our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting wraps up on Jan 28, 2021. Growth Groups their normal meetings this week on Tuesday evening, Thursday morning, and Thursday evening. (Please contact LiLing – [email protected] if you wish to check out a growth group)

Prayer Practice Week 4: Being with God: Discussion guide (click to download)

Sabbath Meditations

As you experiment with establishing your Sabbath rituals, this collection of Sabbath poems and short readings could be a helpful resource. For a limited time, you can download the Sabbath Meditations here. This is another free resources available for download from Practicing the Way – Sabbath Practice.

Not yet part of a Growth Group?

Growth Groups are meeting through Zoom and in-person.

Please contact Liling > [email protected] for Zoom meeting details.