Growth Groups

We meet in small groups in one another’s home and over zoom to:
• Care for one another
• Share our lives with one another
• Explore and apply God’s Word together
• Worship and pray together
What are Growth Groups currently
Most of our Growth Groups discuss what was preached during the Sunday service. We take a closer look at the scripture, process our questions, and practice the way of Jesus in daily life together.
If you’re curious about the kinds of questions we discuss in a growth group, you can find the discussion guide for our current series here.

Why should I join a Growth Group?
“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another.”
~ Hebrews 10:24-25
Sometimes we are told that our faith is just between us and God. Even though we attend church, serve in the church, read our Bible and pray, we are still missing out on an essential aspect of our Christian walk…community.
What will I gain?
Do you ever feel like you don’t know how to apply what you hear on Sunday morning to your real life?
In Growth Groups, you will have a chance to explore your spiritual questions in a safe and kind space.
You’ll find a community to walk through the journey of faith with regardless of where you might find yourself on the journey at any moment.
Being part of a Growth Group is an opportunity give and receive encouragement as we learn to practice the way of Jesus together.
When do our groups meet?
- Tuesday evening at 7pm for Men and Women (Hybrid in-person and zoom)
- Thursday morning at 10am for Men and Women (in-person)
- Thursday evening at 7pm for Men and Women (zoom and once a month in person)
- Friday at 7pm Prayer Meeting – drop in anytime via zoom