
We are are small groups of people who meet once a week to:

• Care for one another
• Share our lives with one another
• Explore and apply God’s Word together
• Worship and pray together

What are Growth Groups currently

Most of our Growth Groups discuss what was preached during the Sunday service by taking a closer look at the scripture, process our questions, and reflecting on practical life application.

If you’re curious about the kinds of questions we discuss in a growth group, you can find the discussion guide for our current series here.

Growth Group discussion guidelines

Why should I join a Growth Group?

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another.”
~ Hebrews 10:24-25

Sometimes we are told that our faith is just between us and God. Even though we attend church, serve in the church, read our Bible and pray, we are still missing out on an essential aspect of our Christian walk…community.

What will I gain?

Do you ever feel like you don’t know how to apply what you are learning in church? Preaching is a good method for imparting knowledge, but not as effective for practical application. In Growth Groups, you can ask questions, participate in a discussion of the text, hear others share insights, and illustrations of the truth you are trying to grasp. Growth Groups help us apply what we learn together. Your Growth Group is a great way to give and receive encouragement and motivation as we follow Jesus.

When do Growth Groups meet?

  • Tuesday evening at 7pm for Men and Women
  • Thursday morning at 10am for Men and Women
  • Thursday evening at 7pm for Men and Women
  • Friday at 7pm Prayer Meeting – drop in anytime via zoom

How can I try a Growth Group?

Please contact Liling Pang > [email protected] about getting connected to one of our growth groups.