Growth Group Discussion Guides
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What Growth Groups Are Discussing
Our Growth Groups are taking a break from the Sermon on the Mount series to enter into the practice of Generosity as a community.
We’re back in the Sermon on the Mount – collection of Jesus’ teachings on life in the Kingdom of God. To refresh our memory, we discussed the following, and Jonathan summarized it beautifully in his sermon this week.
- The Kingdom of God where God reigns – “Anywhere the Holy Spirit is having His way” (Tyler Station)
- Those who are blessed to experience the kingdom are those whose hearts are ready and willing to surrender to the reign of God. Those on the margins and poor in spirit are often in a place to give up other kingdoms for God’s reign over their lives.
- Blessing begins from a transformed heart which flows into a transformed character – meek, merciful, hungry for righteousness, pure in heart, and peacemakers.
- Transformed character leads to calling – to a blessing of salt and light in the midst of kingdom of darkness.
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Growth Groups are meeting through Zoom and in-person.
Please contact Liling Pang for meeting locations, times, and Zoom meeting details.
This series of discussions complements our teaching Sunday teaching series on Acts, where we observe the early church learning to live out Jesus’ teachings we see in the Sermon on the Mount.
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